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Archimedean buoyant force

  • Statement of the law


Any object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This force is called Archimedean buoyant force. 


A fluid is a deformable material environment, like a liquid or a gas. 


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  • Physical formula



                                          Archimedean buoyant force = Pfluid x V x G




                                                   Fluid density                 Immerged volume              Gravity force

                                                      (kg/cm3)                              (m3)                                (N/kg)





G is the constant representing the gravitational force equal to




  • Experiment to illustrate the phenomenon



Equipment: a ping-pong ball, a funnel, a water source


Protocol and observations:


→ The ping-pong ball is placed at the bottom of the funnel.

→ The funnel is filled with running water.


The water keeps running through the hole. The ball stays at the bottom of the funnel.


→ The hole of the funnel is blocked with a finger.


The water stops running through. The ball jumps and comes up to the surface. 




As soon as the ping-pong ball is entirely contained by water, it jumps to move back up to the surface. Indeed, water is a fluid and Archimedes' force is applied on the ping-pong ball as on any body contained in a fluid. 


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